The Outside, 2018

Book of Collected Photoworks ‘The Outside’, 2018.

‘장면’은 특정한 목적 없이, 장기간에 걸쳐, 여러 매체를 통해 촬영하고 재해석한 장면들의 모음집이다. 보통의 공간에서 주로 배경에 위치하는⎯거리의 풀과 나무와 벽과 문∙얼룩과 오염∙인쇄물이나 TV화면의 망점 등에서 어떤 화면을 포착하고, 공간 속에 위치하는 특정 요소를 중심으로 공간을 평면화하여 새로운 '장면'을 만들어낸다.
〈The Outside〉 is a collection of reinterpreted scenes shot over various media over a long period of time, with no specific purpose. It captures a screen through the things mainly located in the background in the normal space ⎯ The grass, the trees, the walls, the doors, the stains, the pollution, and the dots on the prints or TV screens, creates a new 'scene' by flattening the space around specific elements located in space.
〈The Outside〉 is a collection of reinterpreted scenes shot over various media over a long period of time, with no specific purpose. It captures a screen through the things mainly located in the background in the normal space ⎯ The grass, the trees, the walls, the doors, the stains, the pollution, and the dots on the prints or TV screens, creates a new 'scene' by flattening the space around specific elements located in space.