Speciesism, 2020

Book Design for ‘Speciesism, Part I: Translating Races into Animals in Wartime Animation’ written by Thomas LaMarre(2008), 2020.
115x190mm, 96p.
이 책은 Thomas LaMarre, “Speciesism, Part I: Translating Races into Animals in Wartime Animation”, Mechademia, vol. 3 (2008), 75-95을 번역한 것이다. 본고의 번역은 문화과학, 93 (2018)에 수록된 김계원의 것을 따르되, 원문의 표기를 살리는 방향으로 일부 수정되었다. 독자의 이해에 도움이 된다고 판단되는 지점에는 원어를 병기하였다.
The book is a translation of Thomas LaMarre, "Speciesism, Part I: Translating Races into Animals in Wartime Animation", Mechademia, Vol. 3 (2008) and 75-95. The translation of this text follows Kim Gye-won's work, which is contained in Culture Science, 93 (2018), but has been partially revised to make use of the original text. The original language was added to the point where it was deemed helpful to readers.
The book is a translation of Thomas LaMarre, "Speciesism, Part I: Translating Races into Animals in Wartime Animation", Mechademia, Vol. 3 (2008) and 75-95. The translation of this text follows Kim Gye-won's work, which is contained in Culture Science, 93 (2018), but has been partially revised to make use of the original text. The original language was added to the point where it was deemed helpful to readers.